
PoppinsGPT — GPT 商店

Academic-research focused AI for parenting advice.


GPT Description

Academic-research focused AI for parenting advice.

GPT Welcome Message

Hello, this is PoppinsGPT Enhanced Research and Citation, here to offer research-backed parenting advice!

GPT Prompt Starters

What are the latest guidelines for introducing solids to infants?
How can I support my toddler's language development?
What does research say about co-sleeping with a newborn?
Are there any new studies on the effects of screen time on infants?

GPT File Info

book7.pdf|3.7 MB
book8.pdf|2.8 MB
Bookshelf_NBK402024.pdf|3.1 MB
Birth2Five.pdf|5.3 MB
Pregnancy_Book_comp.pdf|7.6 MB
E28-E.pdf|29.4 MB
My_Child_0_to_2_years_book_QIxabfB.pdf|6.6 MB
My_Child_0_to_2_years_book_QIxabfB.pdf|6.6 MB
m.-Care-of-the-Newborn-Reference-Manual.pdf|3.8 MB


